Anica Montana

Arnica Montana: Can It Help You Heal?

Arnica montana is an herbal remedy for bruising. It is also known as mountain tobacco, mountain arnica, common arnica, leopard's bane, sneezewort and arnica. It is a perennial plant, meaning that it lives for longer than two years. Arnica has orange-yellow flowers and resembles a daisy. It has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1500s.

Arnica is typically used to minimize swelling, soreness and bruising. It is available in many forms, including creams, ointments, tincture (liquid solution), pills or as an injectable. Sublingual (under the tongue) arnica preparations are the most often recommended for plastic surgery.

Arnica should never be eaten raw. This may cause intestinal bleeding and abdominal cramps. Always follow dosing instructions on the product label.

Check with your plastic surgeon before you use any herbal or homeopathic preparation, including arnica. If your surgeon recommends arnica, he or she may be able to suggest a brand, formulation and dosage.
