Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation
Before & After Photo Gallery

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Patient of:
Body Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Skincare Center

Media: Appeared on CBS, ABC, MSNBC

Media: Featured in New York Times, Wall Street Journal

Research: Routinely involved in research and clinical trials

Dr pic 1 Dr pic 2

Body Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Skincare Center

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons
St. Louis
(314) 714-5755

Before after Before after thumb

Patient of:
Northwestern Plastic Surgery

Media: Numerous television appearances, including "The Oprah Winfrey Show"

Positions: Faculty members at Northwestern's medical school

Achievements: Renowned researchers, authors and lecturers

Dr pic 1

Northwestern Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgeons
Chicago, Illinois
(866) 604-1399

Before after Before after thumb

Patient of:
Barry L. Eppley, MD

Speaking: Lectures internationally on plastic surgery topics

Training: Trained in plastic and maxillofacial surgery

Publications: Wrote three popular books about plastic surgery

Dr pic 1

Barry L. Eppley, MD

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
(877) 223-8431

Before after Before after thumb

Patient of:
Barry L. Eppley, MD

Speaking: Lectures internationally on plastic surgery topics

Training: Trained in plastic and maxillofacial surgery

Publications: Wrote three popular books about plastic surgery

Dr pic 1

Barry L. Eppley, MD

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
(877) 223-8431

Before after Before after thumb

Patient of:
Barry L. Eppley, MD

Speaking: Lectures internationally on plastic surgery topics

Training: Trained in plastic and maxillofacial surgery

Publications: Wrote three popular books about plastic surgery

Dr pic 1

Barry L. Eppley, MD

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
(877) 223-8431

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