Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation
Before & After Photo Gallery
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Experience: More than 20 years experience
Positions: Founder of Greensboro Cleft Clinic
Facility: Two on-site, AAAHC-accredited surgical facilities
Robert Graper, MD
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
(866) 359-3207
Media: Appeared on CBS, ABC, MSNBC
Media: Featured in New York Times, Wall Street Journal
Research: Routinely involved in research and clinical trials
Body Aesthetic Plastic Surgery & Skincare Center
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons
St. Louis
(314) 714-5755
Education: Earned his medical degree from Boston University (accelerated program) Certification: American Board of Plastic Surgery Positions: Chief of Plastic Surgery at Jersey City Medical Center
Sanjay Lalla, MD
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
West Orange
(973) 324-9455
Experience: More than 20 years' experience
Training: Advanced fellowship training in aesthetic surgery
Media: Featured plastic surgeon in Allure, Vogue and Cosmopolitan
Richard J. Greco, MD, FACS
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
Hilton Head Island
(800) 952-7197
Experience: More than 20 years’ experience
Training: Advanced fellowship training in aesthetic surgery
Media: Featured plastic surgeon in Allure, Vogue and Cosmopolitan
Richard J. Greco, MD, FACS
Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon
(800) 952-7197